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The Atlas of the Wild Bees of Brussels, funded by Brussels Environment and implemented by the team of Prof. Nicolas Vereecken at the Agroecology Lab of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, aims to better define the diversity, distribution, abundance and needs of 208 species of wild bees encountered in Brussels and to produce a document freely accessible and summarising the state of current knowledge.


WildBnB is the acronym of 'Wild Bees and Brussels' and refers to the concept of Bed and Breakfast (BnB), as our wild bees need nesting sites (bed) and host plants (breakfast) to survive and thrive in our urban environments. 


Contact :

Prof. Nicolas J. Vereecken
Agroecology Lab

ULB, Campus de La Plaine

© 2022 WildBnB - ULB Agroécologie

All images by Nicolas Vereecken except when mentioned

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