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Other resources

Reference websites

BWARS, National association for the study and monitoring of bees, wasps and ants in the UK and Ireland.

Atlas Hymenoptera, an online platform on systematics, ecology and biogeography of hymenopters in Belgium, EU and the world.

SAPOLL​ (Sauvons nos pollinisateurs), transnational action plan for wild pollinators.

UrbanBees, European program Life + Biodiversity for conserving wild bees in urban and suburban environments.

FlorAbeilles, an online database of images and references on plant-bee interactions (both for domestic and wild bees).

Flickr of Steven Falk, a collection of wild bee photos from Europe, with a focus on the UK and Ireland.

Flickr of Nicolas Vereecken, a collection of wild bee photos from Europe, with a focus on Belgium.

Projet partners

Brussels Environnement​(IBGE), public service responsible for the environment and energy at the Brussels-Capital Region.

Natuurpunt, the largest Dutch-speaking nature conservation association in Belgium.

Natagora, a French-speaking nature conservation fighting against environmental degradation and for biodiversity. /, citizen science platforms to record your fauna and flora sightings in Belgium.

Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, the research institution behind the Royal Museum of Natural History.

Booklets and flyers

Field guides (for sale)

Social networks

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